Buy News Scope EA PRO and get Pips Master PRO as a GIFT
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News Scope EA Pro is One of The Most Successful Expert Advisors

News Scope EA Pro

News Scope EA Pro is a professional version expert advisor. We have developed this EA for the traders who prefer to trade during high impact news.

News Scope EA PRO is a very effective and potentially highly profitable strategy for high impact news trading. Usually, when a major news event occurs, the price spikes in one, or both directions and this creates an opportunity for short-term scalping. If the magnitude of the price movement is strong enough, the trader cold gain 20, or in some rare cases even more than 100 pips in a few seconds. Of course, nothing is perfect and the liquidity issues in such high volatility moments could lead to spread increase, execution delay and slippage. However, in the last years the brokers conditions improves continuously and the spreads during major news events are lower than ever. This creates a good opportunity for profitable news trading.

News Scope EA PRO Features:


Recommended timeframe: M1

Recommended backtest method: M1 by every tick

Supported currency pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD and USDJPY

We have prepared set files for supported pairs. You can find individual .set files for each supported currency pairs below in the section ".Set Files For Each Supported Currency Pairs". If you want to use the robot please download the .set files and load them correctly in the robot settings. If you use the automatic installer of News Scope EA PRO all the .set files will be automatically installed in your MT4 terminal. In this case you don't need to download them manually.

Please, make sure that you have loaded the set files for each individual currency pair!

IMPORTANT! Use "News Scope EA PRO" only on well-known ECN brokers with good reputation. If you notice repeatedly unusual spread increase, too high slippage, or execution delay, you should not use News Scope EA PRO on this broker anymore.

News Scope EA PRO is ready for 2025 market conditions!

You get a product that is up to date and ready to use.

News Scope EA PRO Live Performance

News Scope EA PRO Performance

News Scope EA PRO Live Performance

News Scope EA PRO Performance
You can check News Scope EA PRO Live performance in FULLY VERIFIED MYFXBOOK ACCOUNT by clicking over the charts.

Money Management

News Scope EA PRO comes with Money Management System. You can set a risk in percents and the robot will automatically calculate the lots according the risk and your account free margin.

Advanced News Filter

News Scope EA PRO is equipped with Advanced News Filter. Thanks to this filter the EA can place pending orders at the right moment - usually just before the news time. The news filter can be configured precisely from the EA settings.

onfigure MT4 terminal to allow WEB Requests to the following url: You can find it in: MT4 terminal -> Tools -> Options -> Expert Advisors -> Allow WebRequests for listed URL (check the image below):

This is very important! This is the only way the News Filter to work properly. The information for the coming News and Events is on my website and you have to give a permission to the MT4 terminal to allow connections to my website.

Exit by Trailing Stop & Back-tick detection

News Scope EA PRO is equipped with Trailing Stop and Back-tick detection systems. Both systems are very useful. They improve the EA performance and protect the profit of the account.

Advanced Time Management System

With the Time Management System you can precisely configure News Scope EA PRO to place pending orders only during specific hours and minutes. You can also configure the EA to place pending orders or not on individual week days. This is a very powerful option which will let you catch the best moments/movements to place pending order. Usually it is good to place pending orders just before news and events. When big movements are expected.

E-mail and Push Notification System

News Scope EA PRO will inform you about all actions performed in your account. It easy to set-up your terminal to receive these notifications. News Scope EA PRO can send email and push notifications to your mobile phone and inform you about its trades. By default these options are disabled. Please read below News Scope EA PRO Settings to learn how to enable Email and Push notifications.

News Scope EA PRO Settings

==== Risk Management ====

  • FixedLots - fixed trading volume (works if AutoMM=0).
  • AutoMM - values greater than 0 (zero) activate automatic ММ (traded volume as a percentage of free margin).

==== General Settings ====

  • Slippage - maximal allowed slippage for position opening.
  • MaxSpread - maximal allowed spread for position opening.
  • MagicNumber - magic number - it is extremely important to keep this different for all robots.
  • StartTrail - value in pips. When trade's profit is equal to this value the EA set trailing stop.
  • TrailStop - value in pips. The trailing stop value.
  • EA_Coment - text which will be added as a comment to each trade opened by News Scope EA PRO.

==== Pending Orders Settings ====

  • PlaceOrders_OnInit - true/false - whether to place or not pending orders during initialization of the EA.
  • ExitAll_OnDeinit - true/false - whether to close or not all orders during de-initialization of the EA.
  • ExitAll_OnInit - true/false - whether to close or not all orders during initialization of the EA.
  • CloseOnTradeHour - true/false - whether to close or not all orders before to place pending orders.
  • TradeDirection - possible values: -1 only short trades; +1 only long trades; 0 long and short trades;
  • AddDistance - the distance between the current price and the first pending order in pips.
  • AddStep - the distance between each pending orders in pips.
  • AddCount - the number of pending orders to be placed.
  • StopLoss - the stop loss value for pending orders. 0 - means not stop loss.
  • ExpireMinutes - the expiration time for pending orders in minutes.
  • CloseOnReversePips - when there is a reverse X pips then the EA will close all active orders with the idea to protect the profit. (X is value of CloseOnReversePips)

==== Time Management System ====

With the Time Management System you can set which days the EA to trade. By default it trades every weekday.

  • MondayTrading - true/false - enable or disable trading on Monday
  • TuesdayTrading - true/false - enable or disable trading on Tuesday
  • WednesdayTrading - true/false - enable or disable trading on Wednesday
  • ThursdayTrading - true/false - enable or disable trading on Thursday
  • FridayTrading - true/false - enable or disable trading on Friday

==== Static News Trading ====

There are 5 slots for setting custom time for placing pending orders. For example the news will be at 11:30 then you can set TradeHour_1=11 and TradeMinute_1=29. The EA will place pending orders 10 seconds before the news time - i.e. 11:29:50. If you wish to set the pending orders earlier for example 30 seconds before the news then set TradeSeconds=30. By default this parameter has value 50 which means 10 seconds before the news.

  • TradeHour_1 - hour for placing pending orders. Slot 1.
  • TradeMinute_1 - minutes for placing orders. Slot 1.
  • TradeHour_2 - hour for placing pending orders. Slot 2.
  • TradeMinute_2 - minutes for placing orders. Slot 2.
  • TradeHour_3 - hour for placing pending orders. Slot 3.
  • TradeMinute_3 - minutes for placing orders. Slot 3.
  • TradeHour_4 - hour for placing pending orders. Slot 4.
  • TradeMinute_4 - minutes for placing orders. Slot 4.
  • TradeHour_5 - hour for placing pending orders. Slot 5.
  • TradeMinute_5 - minutes for placing orders. Slot 5.
  • TradeSeconds – its default value is 50 and this means that pending trades will be placed 10 seconds before the news time. If you follow the above example which is 11:29:50 you will easily find what this parameter does.
  • DeleteAfterSeconds - placed pending orders will be deleted after X second (X is value of DeleteAfterSeconds)

==== GMT Settings ====

  • GMT_Offset - winter GMT offset of your broker.
  • Calculate_DST - true/false - Set TRUE if the broker shifts the GMT offset with +1 in Summer. Set FALSE if broker use same GMT offset whole year.

==== News Filter Settings ====

  • PlaceOrdersOnNews - true/false - enable/disable placing trades before news.
  • Include_Medium_News - true/false – include, or not the medium impact news. The high impact news are included by default.
  • NFP_FOMC_ONLY - true/false - when true the EA will place pending orders only during NFP and FOMC news.
  • PlaceOrdersBefore - value in seconds. The EA will place the pending orders X second before the news (X is value of PlaceOrdersBefore).
  • DeleteAfterNews - placed pending orders before news will be deleted after X second (X is value of DeleteAfterNews). This parameter is different than DeleteAfterSeconds. It is only for panding orders placed before news while DeleteAfterSeconds is for pending orders placed based on the Time Management System.
  • Tolerance - the EA may place the pending orders with X seconds delay (X is value of Tolerance).. Sometimes there are not ticks at the right moment and the EA may wait a few second for the first tick to appear after the right moment.

==== Notifications ====

  • EMAIL_Notification - true/false - enable/disable email notifications.
  • PUSH_Notification - true/false – enable/disable push notifications to mobile phones.

Configure MT4 terminal to allow WEB Requests to the following url: Only this way the news filter will be able to work properly!

You can find it in: MT4 terminal -> Tools -> Options -> Expert Advisors -> Allow WebRequests for listed URL (check the image below):

News Scope EA PRO Backtest Result

Below you can check the backtest result of our forex robot - News Scope EA PRO - on the following currency pairs GBPUSD, EURUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, and USDJPY.

Tested with Dukascopy real tick data - variable spreads!


Period: 2009-2020

Risk: Fixed Lots

Deposit: $5000

News Scope EA PRO Backtest on GBPUSD - Dukascopy Real Tick Data
Tested with Dukascopy real tick data - variable spreads!


Period: 2003-2020

Risk: Fixed Lots

Deposit: $2000

News Scope EA PRO Backtest on EURUSD - Dukascopy Real Tick Data
Tested with Alpari ECN real tick data - variable spreads!


Period: 2015-2020

Risk: Fixed Lots

Deposit: $5000

News Scope EA PRO Backtest on EURUSD - ECN real tick data
Tested with Dukascopy real tick data - variable spreads!


Period: 2010-2020

Risk: Fixed Lots

Deposit: $5000

News Scope EA PRO Backtest on USDCAD - Dukascopy real tick data
Tested with Alpari ECN real tick data - variable spreads!


Period: 2016-2020

Risk: Fixed Lots

Deposit: $5000

News Scope EA PRO Backtest on USDCAD - ECN real tick data
Tested with Dukascopy real tick data - variable spreads!


Period: 2010-2020

Risk: Fixed Lots

Deposit: $5000

News Scope EA PRO Backtest on USDJPY - Dukascopy real tick data
Tested with Alpari ECN real tick data - variable spreads!


Period: 2015-2020

Risk: Fixed Lots

Deposit: $5000

News Scope EA PRO Backtest on USDJPY - ECN real tick data

How to get started with News Scope EA PRO

You can download, install, and use News Scope EA PRO during your next trading session. You can do this in less than 5 minutes.

You can start trading with News Scope EA PRO immediately.

It is one time payment, there is no hidden fees and taxes.

How to backtest News Scope EA PRO

If you wish to back-test News Scope EA PRO, first you should download history from the MetaTrader history center: click Tools -> History Center, or press the "F2" key of the keyboard. In the list, find the currency pair that you wish to back-test and double click to expand it. Click "1 Minute (M1)" and then click "Download". When the download process is finished, double click on "5 Minutes (M5)" and "15 Minutes (M15)" to convert the M1 data (repeat this for the rest of the time frames). Close the "History Center" window. Restart the MT4 terminal in any case. Check the below image!

To open the "Strategy Tester" window click the "Strategy Tester" button of the MetaTrader menu, or press "Ctrl+R" on the keyboard. In the "Strategy Tester" window chose News Scope EA PRO, chose one of the supported currency pairs, chose M1 timeframe, chose the method "Every tick ...", as shown below. Click "Start" to start the back-test.

IMPORTANT! When you test News Scope EA PRO for first time on strategy tester, the EA may download a big csv file with news for the past years. Therefore the strategy tester may freeze. If after clicking the start button you don't see any activity please stop the test and restart the terminal. This should fix the problem. After this test again. This time everything should be fine.

.Set Files For Each Supported Currency Pairs

Below you can find individual .set files for other supported currency pairs. If you want to use the robot on other pairs please download the .set files from below list and load them correctly in the robot settings.

If you use the automatic installer of News Scope EA PRO all the .set files will be automatically installed in your MT4 terminal. In this case you don't need to download them manually.

Watch video tutorial to learn how to load the .set files in MT4 and MT5 terminals:
MT4 terminal   MT5 terminal

News Scope EA PR is COMPATIBLE WITH MAC OS and Windows OS!

News Scope EA PR is compatible with MAC OS and Windows OS

News Scope EA PR is compatible with the most well known and used Operating Systems Mac OS + Windows OS. Our developers have been working very hard to adapt News Scope EA PR to be compatible with all popular Operating Systems. Mac OS and Windows are the most popular OS around the world and therefore we have developed News Scope EA PR to be compatible with them.

News Scope EA PR is COMPATIBLE WITH Metatrader 4 (MT4) and Metatrader 5 (MT5)!

News Scope EA PR is compatible with Metatrader 4 (MT4) and Metatrader 5 (MT5)

News Scope EA PR is compatible with the most used metatrader platforms in the forex market - Metatrader 4 (MT4) and Metatrader 5 (MT5).

Why to choose News Scope EA PRO

One of the main reasons to purchase and use News Scope EA PRO is that it is fully automated and easy to use expert advisor (forex robot), which will help you during the live trading and growing your account balance. News Scope EA PRO is a low-risk strategy. It comes with a new ATR based Stop Loss calculating algorithm which decreases the drawdown and increases the Profit Factor. All future updates of News Scope EA PRO will be completely free for you and you will get professional support from our team.

News Scope EA PRO is very powerful trading system which includes the most important features and system you need for risk free trading: Money Management, Broker Protection, Spread Protection, Highly effective Exit by Trailing Stop & Back-tick detection, Multi Currency Trading, Advanced Time Management, News Filter, Grid System, Email and Push Notification System and etc.

Here is what you will get

By purchasing and using our News Scope EA PRO, you will not only get a really working forex robot but also some first class of services such as professional support, money back guarantee, free updates and last, but not least, a transparent and clear price policy.

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News Scope EA Pro

Buy News Scope EA Pro

If you want to trade with News Scope EA Pro you have to purchase it by clicking the button below. It will redirect you to the payment page and you will be able to make a payment and start using it on your DEMO or REAL account immediately.

  • 1 Real Account/s
  • 3 Demo Account/s
  • The Best in Forex Industry (24/7) Support
  • 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Price:  $327    $127

BUY News Scope EA Pro

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Disclaimer U.S. Government Required Disclaimer – Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. Clearly understand this: Information contained within this course is not an invitation to trade any specific investments. Trading requires risking money in pursuit of future gain. That is your decision. Do not risk any money you cannot afford to lose. This document does not take into account your own individual financial and personal circumstances. It is intended for educational purposes only and NOT as individual investment advice. Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs & circumstances. Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests & could lead to losses of capital.


By using FXAutomater's products, you acknowledge that you are familiar with these risks and that you are solely responsible for the outcomes of your decisions. We accept no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from the use of this product. It's to be noted carefully in this respect, that past results are not necessarily indicative of future performance.